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She Walked in Uncertain and Afraid, She Walked Out a Disciple
The Importance of Reading the Bible
Throughout my priestly ministry, I have always encouraged people to read the Bible. At a time when God, his revelation, and sacred teachings are distorted and redefined, it is a safe first practice to lead people to the Bible. By reading it, a person encounters a living word. He sees and hears God on his own terms, from his own deeds and words. Although more teaching will be needed, this initial practice of reading the Bible can dispel false images, co
Oct 8th 2024
The Food Which Endures to Eternal Life
Filling in the Gaps about the Eucharist
We read of Jesus instituting the Eucharist in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, as well as in St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. John gives us something different, which is not surprising: John wrote his Gospel long after the other three, and he assumes you’ve read them already. His Gospel is meant as a sort of “gap-filler,” covering important moments in the life of Jesus that nobody else had written down yet. He offers us the “t
Nov 6th 2023
Why Are There Eight Beatitudes in Matthew and Only Four in Luke?
The Sermon on the Mount related in Matthew 5-7 has much in common with the teaching of Jesus related in Luke 6. It is widely recognized that Luke 6 teaches in an abbreviated form what Matthew 5-7 teaches in greater detail. But there are also some significant differences. The sermon of Luke 6 takes place on a plain, whereas the sermon of Matthew 5-7 takes place on a mountain. There are also differences between the Beatitudes themselves in the two accounts. Luke recounts only four Beatitudes and
Mar 13th 2023
When Peter Met Jesus
The first encounter between Jesus and Peter is presented to us in two different ways. Mark, Matthew, and Luke present Peter working as a fisherman in Galilee when Jesus calls him to become one of his followers. John, on the other hand, tells us that Jesus had gone out, like many people, to see John the Baptist in Judea, and that same time a group of men from Bethsaida, among Peter and his brother Andrew, also went to see John the Baptist. In this account, the Baptist testifies that Jesus is the
Jul 2nd 2021