Church History
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Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: Making Sense of the Inquisition Online Course
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $39.95Was: $49.95There may be no event in Church History so fraught with controversy as the Inquisition. The topic is often used to discredit the Catholic Church, too frequently by people whose own knowledge of the relevant circumstances and events is thin...Now: $39.95Was: $49.95 -
Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church
Our Sunday Visitor
$19.95All the makings of your favorite adventure story – drama, intrigue, promise, love, hope, and heartache spanning two thousand years...and YOU are a part of it! Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church is a fresh retelling of the history of the...$19.95 -
Apostles and Their Times
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95Here's an unflinching look at the lives and sacrifices of those first Christians who were given the task of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Relying on ancient documents — as well as the latest archeological findings and scientific...$14.95 -
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Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: Defending the Crusades Online Course
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $39.95Was: $49.95Almost everyone has heard of the Crusades, but few people can say what they were or how they came about—and few Catholics are informed enough to explain and defend them. This course will enable you to do so. In times past, the Crusades were...Now: $39.95Was: $49.95 -
Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$21.95What was the early Church like? Contrary to popular belief, Rod Bennett shows there is a reliable way to know. Four ancient Christian writers—four witnesses to early Christianity —left us an extensive body of documentation on this vital...$21.95 -
Not Peace, But A Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam (Softcover Book)
Catholic Answers Press
$19.95Islam...Is it a religion of peace?...Are Muslims an easy ally in the fight against global secularization and the culture of death?...Are their beliefs really so different than our own? Some Christians view Islam as a sister religion, a branch of the...$19.95 -
Faith Of Our Fathers: Why the Early Christians Still Matter and Always Will
Emmaus Road Publishing
$12.95Getting to know the Church Fathers means getting to know our own roots. It means knowing more deeply who we are as we learn more and more about who they are. The early Christians are our ancestors, our common genealogy, our family. When we look to our...$12.95 -
The Case for the Deuterocanon: Evidence and Arguments
Nikaria Press
$20.95Protestants and Catholics alike share the faith that all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness (2Tim 3:16). But one area where they disagree is over just which writings...$20.95 -
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Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: Intro to Church History 2 Online Course
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $69.95Was: $139.95Some people believe anti-Catholic historical myths and lose their faith or leave the Church. As faithful Catholics, we must be armed with the knowledge of our authentic history to help those lost, angry, or bewildered by historical attacks against the...Now: $69.95Was: $139.95 -
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Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: The Galileo Affair Online Course
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $39.95Was: $49.95The Galileo Affair is the go-to event cited by enemies of the Catholic Church as hard evidence that she is opposed to scientific learning. The facts of the story do not support this narrative. Indeed, the Church throughout history has led the way in...Now: $39.95Was: $49.95 -
The Mass Of The Early Christians
Our Sunday Visitor
$15.95In The Mass Of The Early Christians, author Mike Aquilina reveals the Church's most ancient Eucharistic beliefs and practices. Using the words of the early Christians themselves -- from many documents and inscriptions -- Aquilina traces the Mass's...$15.95 -
Forty Anti-Catholic Lies: A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight
Sophia Institute Press
$19.95Tired of being stumped when false claims are made about the Catholic Church? Want to be armed with knowledge that puts these mistruths to rest? In these pages, veteran apologist Gerard Verschuuren provides thorough yet concise answers to forty of the...$19.95