In this issue:
- One Step From The Brink by Anthony Esolen -- We live in a world suffering from the fulfillments of Humanae Vitae's warnings about separating procreation from the act of sex. Is it too late to pull back from the edge?
- Birth Control Is Nothing New by Jimmy Akin -- We tend to think the issue of contraception started with the Pill, but it's been with us since time immemorial - and the Church's teaching on it has been consistent.
- The Real Story by Trent Horn -- Blessed Pope Paul VI has been ridiculed for going against the recommendation of "experts" regarding the Pill. But why were the "experts" assembled in the first place?
- Contraception and the Spiritual Struggle by Fr. Hugh Barbour - The battle is not only with personal sin but against the legion of demons - and can be won by married couples if they learn to love chastely.
- And many more articles to help you better understand and share the Faith.