Catholic Answers Press

The Bible Is a Catholic Book

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  • Many Protestants call themselves “Bible Christians”—in contrast with Catholics, who ignore the Bible because they have the Church instead.

Too many Catholics have taken this mistaken assumption for granted.

We don’t have to anymore, says Jimmy Akin.

Instead, we should embrace Sacred Scripture—not just as the revealed written word of God but as a thoroughly Catholic work, intimately connected with the Church from the earliest centuries.

In The Bible Is a Catholic Book, Jimmy shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and elucidation of its mysteries, Scripture is inseparable from Catholicism. This is fitting, since both come from God for our salvation.

If you’re a Catholic who sometimes gets intimidated by the Bible (especially scriptural challenges from Protestants), The Bible Is a Catholic Book will help you better understand and take pride in this gift that God gave the world through the Church. We are the original “Bible Christians”!

And even non-Catholics will appreciate the clear and charitable way that Jimmy explains how the early Church gave us the Bible—and how the Church to this day reveres and obeys it.
  • Discover how the Catholic Church shaped and preserved the Bible—a timeless treasure for spiritual growth and guidance, beautifully explained by Jimmy Akin.
  • Unveil the deep connection between the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture—a journey of faith and preservation narrated by Jimmy Akin.
  • Explore how the Catholic Church, from its inception, safeguarded and revered Sacred Scripture—an essential guide by Jimmy Akin.
Now: $10.00
Was: $17.95


Many Protestants call themselves “Bible Christians”—in contrast with Catholics, who ignore the Bible because they have the Church instead.

Too many Catholics have taken this mistaken assumption for granted.

We don’t have to anymore, says Jimmy Akin.

Instead, we should embrace Sacred Scripture—not just as the revealed written word of God but as a thoroughly Catholic work, intimately connected with the Church from the earliest centuries.

In The Bible Is a Catholic Book, Jimmy shows how the Bible cannot exist apart from the Church. In its origins and its formulation, in the truths it contains, in its careful preservation over the centuries and in the prayerful study and elucidation of its mysteries, Scripture is inseparable from Catholicism. This is fitting, since both come from God for our salvation.

If you’re a Catholic who sometimes gets intimidated by the Bible (especially scriptural challenges from Protestants), The Bible Is a Catholic Book will help you better understand and take pride in this gift that God gave the world through the Church. We are the original “Bible Christians”!

And even non-Catholics will appreciate the clear and charitable way that Jimmy explains how the early Church gave us the Bible—and how the Church to this day reveres and obeys it.

The Bible Is a Catholic Book stands alone as the go-to resource when it comes to learning about where and how we got the Bible and passing that information along to others!

“Jimmy Akin’s love for the Bible and his dedication in defending the Catholic faith are evident in his new book titled The Bible is a Catholic Book. With an abundance of facts from history and traditions, he not only presents the Bible as appealing and accessible, but he also demonstrates that the Teachings of the Catholic Church have Sacred Scripture as their base and that it is the Catholic Church that has preserved this treasure for humanity down through the centuries. My hope is that Mr. Akin’s book will ignite among the faithful a greater love and appreciation for the Bible as a primal source of spiritual nourishment and a sure guide for our daily life.” - Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix

“Here is a wonderful history of how God has spoken to us, inspiring both the content and guiding the collection and development of the Sacred Scriptures. Jimmy Akin concisely but thoroughly sets forth the stages of biblical development and history going right back to God's work of creation itself and through the modern period of print and communication. The Bible is indeed a Catholic book. Jimmy beautifully describes the Church’s esteem and love of Sacred Scripture as well as its careful, and costly preservation, along with its authoritative and devoted transmission by the Catholic Church, without which we simply would not have the Bible today. Here is a great introduction to any study of Scripture.”  - Rev. Msgr Charles Pope, Holy Comforter - St Cyprian Parish

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Jimmy Akin
Softcover, 192 pages
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19 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by Marny Benedict on Dec 23rd 2024

    I had begun listening to the book on-line and decided to get the book for more thoughtful reading. Jimmy Akin has been a favorite for years and, thus far, I am finding the book very interesting and informative. Highly recommend.

  • 5

    This is an incredible book to read for any Christian to familiarize himself with the book that Western Civilization is built upon. It's written in an easy-to-read style, and it does a fantastic job at destroying Protestant myths surrounding the Bible

    Posted by Brendan on Sep 12th 2024

    Thanks to Jimmy for answering the question about Mark being Peter's interpreter on Catholic Answers Live.

  • 4

    I am enjoying the book and I thing Catholics and non-Catholics would as well.

    Posted by R on May 24th 2024

    I am half way through the book and I am enjoying it. I am perflexed by a couple of things but I will figure it out.

  • 5

    The Bible is a Catholic Book

    Posted by SERGIO STASI on May 21st 2024

    There is a treasure of information in this book. It really helped me understand about the development of scripture developed, about the different traditions of scripture, how the Catholic Church was instrumental in putting together the Bible for all of us to profit, and to understand the fallacies of Protestant opinions about which books belong in our Bible. I have purchased several copies of this book to share with family and friends. I even brought it with me on a recent trip to Panama and the person sitting next to me on the plane wanted to buy a copy of this book. This is a must have for Catholics.

  • 5


    Posted by Daniel Ravelo on Apr 4th 2024

    Jimmy Akin never fails. Gives a good understanding of the development of the Bible

  • 5

    66 or 73?

    Posted by Michael Eckstein on Jun 21st 2023

    Growing up Protestant (and even attending a Protestant seminary), it was always "obvious" to me that the Catholic Church had added 7 books to God's Word. But, as Cardinal Newman so famously said, "to be deep in history is to cease being Protestant." This book presents that history.

  • 5


    Posted by James Egen on Feb 8th 2023


  • 5

    Great Book!

    Posted by Paul Curry on Aug 23rd 2022

    If you've seen or heard Jimmy's apologetics, you will know how articulate and insightful he is, and his knowledge is without question. This book was an absolute pleasure to read. The knowledge and detail was all there, but written very clearly and easy to understand. At first glance, you may think this is a Catholic v Protestant debate about the Bible, but far from it. It's really about how the Bible came about. Who wrote it, how it was written, the costs associated with it, etc etc, and of course how the Deuterocanon came about. And finally it addresses the Protestant viewpoints and gives logical arguments against their fallible beliefs. Highly recommend this book!

  • 5

    Excellent book

    Posted by RACHEL FISHER on Nov 12th 2021

    Jimmy explains very charitably and clearly how the Bible as we know it came into being. I read this as an ebook but recently bought as an audiobook as well since I enjoyed it so much. My husband, who is in RCIA, is working his way through it now.

  • 4

    My Lapsed Catholic View of Book

    Posted by Art Pare on Nov 6th 2021

    After hearing Jimmy Akin on the radio multiple times, I expected his 2019 book, The Bible is A Catholic Book, to be well researched, easy to understand, and interesting. I was not disappointed, As expected however, Akin passively argues against sola scriptura from the very beginning. He (properly) places the Bible as part of the diverse revelations of Creator God. Akin guides us through brief discussions of many topics including oral tradition, the Hebrew language, cultural customs, open and closed canons, and many others. Mr. Akin then successfully places the Bible as we know it today in a place of prominence BUT as only a part of the collection of revelations given to mankind. The second section entitled The Word of God Incarnate, we see a very concise history of Jesus and the founding of the early church. , Jimmy summarily puts the remaining 31,000+ verses of the Bible subservient to Papal authority with the obligatory Catholic reference to Matthew 16:18-19. In the third section, The Writing of the New Testament, Jimmy Akin frequently references data from his 2016 book on the cost of writing the Bible. I haven't read that one, maybe there he compares dollars to denarius or daily wage so that the reader can get a better grasp of what thousands of $ meant to the original writers. The Fourth section, After the New Testament, and the chronology in the appendix is again concise, but well structured to hit the most important elements. I appreciated his interpretation of why the books in modern Bibles are arranged in their specific order and the changes seen with the advent of the printing press. Despite any earlier pejorative comments, I highly recommend reading this book for anyone interested in the central writings of the Christian faith. It is appropriate for Catholics, Christians, Muslims, or Nonbelievers.

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