Demonstrating the Existence of God
In the thirteenth century, Thomas Aquinas added to Christian theology by applying principles of Greek philosophy to the explanation and defense of the Christian faith. One of his most famous works is the Summa Theologiae, which was intended to be an introductory theology text. Because of this, Aquinas’s famous Five Ways of proving the existence of God only comprise a few pages of text. As such, they must be compared with Aquinas’s thought as a whole to be fully effective. In this sample lesson
Mar 17th 2022
Where to Now, St. Peter?
Before we get into the text of Acts, there are two very important questions that must be asked and that are often overlooked in this discussion: “Who wrote the Book of Acts?” And, “Why is that important?”Well, the first question has an easy answer: “St. Luke wrote the Book of Acts.” It was basically a “part II” picking up where his Gospel leaves off.But the second question is the more important question for our purpose: “Why is this important?”It’s important because we know from Scripture that S
Jun 7th 2021
Beginning Apologetics: Asking Questions
Asking questions is an important part of the apologetic process, and it is important for every apologist to devote conscious thought to the art of asking questions—what they are used for, how they should be phrased, etc. The Socratic Method: Often apologists think of questions in connection with the Socratic method. In Plato’s dialogues, the figure of Socrates uses questions to challenge the beliefs of those around him. He asks questions designed to strip away false elements of these beliefs. Th
Nov 24th 2020