How Did the Field of Blood Get Its Name?
CHALLENGE: Matthew and Luke contradict each other. Matthew says that the field of blood got its name because it was bought with blood money (Matt. 27:6-7), but Luke says it was called this because people knew Judas died a gruesome death there (Acts 1:18-19).DEFENSE: Names can have more than one significance, and the two explanations are compatible.The fact that Matthew and Luke record different expressions of the tradition regarding Judas’s fate indicate that both were in circulation.Some people
Mar 23rd 2021
How Did Judas Iscariot Die?
CHALLENGE: Matthew and Luke contradict each other. Matthew says Judas hung himself (Matt. 27:5), but Luke says that “falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out” (Acts 1:18).DEFENSE: The accounts preserve different aspects of the event but do not contradict each other.Both agree Judas died shortly after the Crucifixion. Matthew says Judas hanged himself after returning the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests, while Luke has Peter speaking of the event duri
Apr 6th 2020