Young Adults
Join us in empowering young people in the Church today! Discovering reliable resources for young adults can be challenging. Explore the renowned graphic novel series, "The Truth is Out There," from Catholic Answers—a beloved choice among Catholic high schools nationwide. Support Catholic Young Adults and teenagers in deepening their connection with Christ and His Church through the diverse materials offered in this dedicated category of the Catholic Answers Shop.
The Sacraments in Action
Sophia Institute Press
$12.95Join in the adventures of young Catholics Hannah and Andy as they learn that a good life requires a solid faith and that God has given us the sacraments to guide and sustain us along the way. This graphic novel’s vivid images and engaging...$12.95 -
Saints Chronicles Collection 4
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95Experience the rousing adventures of some of history’s greatest saints. Their lives, depicted here in spectacular graphics, demonstrate that living our true faith is never dull but demands heroic courage and tireless strength. In these thrilling...$14.95 -
Saints Chronicles Collection 3
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95These gripping texts and dramatic images bring you the exciting stories of some of the Church’s greatest saints. Along with them, you’ll embark upon the adventure of holiness, learning from their example how to embrace wholeheartedly...$14.95 -
Saints Chronicles Collection 2
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95In this handsome graphic novel, you’ll join some of the world’s greatest saints in their inspiring – and often exciting and even dangerous – quests for holiness. These thrilling stories and stunning images found here will...$14.95 -
Saints Chronicles Collection 1
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95The Saints Chronicles bring vividly to life the stories of courageous Christians from the earliest days of Christianity to modern times. All four volumes of this Graphic Novel Series are packed with engaging texts and dramatic images that captivate and...$14.95 -
Catholic Puzzles, Word Games, and Brainteasers: Volume 2
Ave Maria Press
$9.95"What do John the Baptist and Winnie the Pooh have in common?" "Where is Solomon’s temple located?" These jokes and an array of faith-based puzzles, brainsteasers, and word games are the creation of Catholic puzzlemaster and popular media...$9.95 -
Catholic Puzzles, Word Games, and Brainteasers: Volume 1
Ave Maria Press
$9.95"What do John the Baptist and Winnie the Pooh have in common?" "Where is Solomon’s temple located?" These jokes and an array of faith-based puzzles, brainsteasers, and word games are the creation of Catholic puzzlemaster and popular media...$9.95 -
Disorientation: How to Go to College Without Losing Your Mind
Ascension Press
$12.95They’re leaving home…will they leave the faith?Every year, thousands of young Catholics leave their homes for higher education at our nation’s colleges and universities. Very few realize, however, that from orientation day onward, they...$12.95 -
Catechism of the Catholic Church: Pocket Edition
Random House
$12.95The official Catechism of the Catholic Church, Pocket Edition, clearly spells out the Church's beliefs on: Love, marriage and children God, creation, humanity, life, death, and the afterlife Mary, the Church, the saints, and the...$12.95 -
On Sale
Graphic Novel Series Pack
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $39.95Was: $56.85The Truth Is Out There is a unique series of Catholic graphic novels that combine sci-fi storylines and quirky humor with solid catechesis and apologetics. Perfect for thoughtful teens, young adults, and anyone who appreciates a fun and different way to...Now: $39.95Was: $56.85 -
On Sale
The Big Picture
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $10.00Was: $18.95Brendan And Erc Are Back! When it was released in the Spring of 2013, the graphic novel The Truth Is Out There set the Catholic book world on fire with its unique and innovative blend of apologetics and entertainment, following two young...Now: $10.00Was: $18.95 -
How I Stayed Catholic at Harvard: Forty Tips for Faithful College Students
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$16.95A Harvard graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and devout Catholic tells you everything you need to know about keeping your faith at a modern university. In How I Stayed Catholic at Harvard, Aurora Griffin draws on her recent experience, and shares forty practical...$16.95