Apologetics in the Early Church
As the Christian faith spread, its members encountered new challenges, and the early Church began to develop an extensive apologetic literature, directed both externally—to non-Christians—and internally—to deal with apologetic issues among those professing to be Christian. Early Apologists and their Critics: Beginning in the second century, a group of Christian authors known specifically as “apologists” began to appear. They also had critics. One of the most prominent second century apologists w
Jun 3rd 2021
Jesus and the Woman at the Well
The parables Jesus told aren’t just quaint stories. They’re filled with powerful secrets that reveal the mysteries of God’s kingdom.In this excerpt, Fr. Walshe takes a look at the Gospel reading from this past weekend, the third Sunday in Lent...One of the most remarkable conversions that Jesus brought about in his lifetime was the conversion of a Samaritan woman in John chapter 4. And through her, he prepared the way of conversion for many Samaritans. Man teaches through external words and sign
Mar 18th 2020
Is Anti-Catholicism the Original "Fake News"?
Between the Amazonian Synod and the upcoming book by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah, much has been made of the practice of priestly celibacy lately. But it's not the first time.Anti-Catholics have been spreading myths and falsehoods about the practice for centuries.We went to Catholic History Professor Steve Weidenkopf for more insight...The Myth: The Church began mandating clerical celibacy during the Middle Ages so that it could acquire the clergy’s family property.The Hi
Jan 28th 2020
The Return of Socialism
In 2019, 43 percent of Americans consider socialism to be a “good thing” and millennials are some of its strongest supporters.Magazines such as Teen Vogue even run articles like “Everything You Should Know About Karl Marx” and “What ‘Capitalism’ Is and How It Affects People,” which says that millennials “expect a grand societal shift toward socialism” to counteract a “dystopian Mad Max nightmare” in which “rich plutocrats own everything.” Another poll found that half of young people say they wo
Jan 23rd 2020
Meeting the Protestant Challenge Head On
“You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God, in order to keep your tradition…thus making void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on.” -Mark 7:9,13“Where’s that in the Bible?”Any Catholic who talks religion with Protestants has at some time been challenged with this question. It stems from the Protestant belief that we shouldn’t accept any doctrine that isn’t explicitly found in the Bible, since it alone is our infallible rule of faith—a belief known as sola script
Aug 28th 2019