Karlo Broussard Resources
Karlo Broussard gave up a promising musical career to devote himself to the work of winning souls for Christ. Karlo is one of the most dynamic and enthusiastic Catholic speakers today, and his talks are able to move listeners from the shaky ground of doubt to the rock-solid foundation of Catholic truth. He is the author of Prepare the Way, Meeting the Protestant Challenge, and most recently, Purgatory Is for Real.
The Saints Pray For You: How the Christians in Heaven Help Us Here on Earth (Digital)
$12.99When you think of saints, what image comes to mind? Maybe halos and angel wings, or maybe a football team from Louisiana. Or maybe you think of one of the most difficult stumbling blocks that Catholic belief presents for Protestants: the doctrine of the...$12.99 -
When Protestants Argue Like Atheists: 12 Weird Ways That Anti-Catholics Mimic Secular Skeptics (Digital)
$12.99Protestant apologists are usually our partners when it comes to defending the existence of God, the inerrancy of Scripture, traditional moral absolutes, and many other important truths. When arguing against atheism, they shrewdly call out the logical...$12.99 -
The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Today's Woke Moralists (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$12.99Do you remember when relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason? This idea that “you have your truth and I have mine” was so pervasive and insidious that Pope Benedict XVI warned it was a...$12.99 -
Meeting The Protestant Response: How to Answer Common Comebacks to Catholic Arguments (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$12.99When Protestants Strike Back…Thanks to apologetics, millions of regular Catholics have learned to give good reasons for the things they believe, usually to Protestants who challenge their faith with a Bible verse or historical claim. But those...$12.99 -
Purgatory From the Other Side (MP3)
Catholic Answers Press
$6.95To many, the Catholic doctrine of purgatory is one of the Church’s most mysterious and confounding teachings. Fortunately, there are many Bible verses and catechetical lessons that can help us understand better and explain to our non-Catholic...$6.95 -
Purgatory Is For Real (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$12.99To some, the Catholic doctrine of purgatory is murky and mysterious—even scary. What is this shadowy state between earth and heaven supposed to be? Others wonder how it’s even possible for saved souls to be suffering in the afterlife if Jesus...$12.99 -
Why Doesn't God Show His Face?: Making Sense of Divine Hiddenness (MP3)
Catholic Answers Press
$10.95Making Sense of Divine Hiddenness We believe that God exists and that he loves us, yet he can feel distant and hidden from our perceptions. Why doesn’t God make himself visible to us? Or at least make his presence undeniable through signs and...$10.95 -
Meeting The Protestant Challenge (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$12.99Every Catholic has heard the challenge: “How can you believe that? Don’t you know the Bible says…” It’s a challenge we have to meet. If we can’t reconcile apparent contradictions between Scripture and Catholic...$12.99 -
What Lies Beyond (MP3)
Catholic Answers Press
$13.95Death and judgment. Heaven and hell. They’re called the Last Things, but they should be the first things on our mind, for one way or another they represent the destiny of every human being. Yet our thoughts about them are often muddled by...$13.95 -
Prepare the Way: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Gospel and the Church (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$12.99Sharing the gospel with family and friends (or a stranger on the computer screen) can be challenging enough. When they won’t even hear you out, because of all the mental roadblocks they’ve built up, it’s even harder. In Prepare the Way,...$12.99 -
Your Truth, My Truth: How to Understand and Refute Relativistic Thinking (MP3)
Catholic Answers Press
$4.95“It may be true for you, but not for me.” How often have you heard this during a discussion with friends or family, or maybe in an online debate? Whether you’re talking about faith, morality, politics, or just the basic notion of...$4.95 -
The Bible Blueprint for the Priesthood (MP3)
Catholic Answers Press
$10.95Catholics believe that Christ instituted a ministerial priesthood specially ordained to teach and sanctify his people. Most Protestants think that the only priesthood—at least the only one taught in the Bible—is the common priesthood made up...$10.95